Maidstone & Mid Kent

Draught Copy

Draught Copy is the free newsletter of the Maidstone and Mid Kent, Gravesend and Darent Valley, Bexley, Medway and West Kent branches of CAMRA.

It is issued quarterly and has a circulation of around 4,000 copies. The newsletter is delivered by volunteer members to pubs in the branch areas and can normally be found at local beer festivals as well.

Latest Editions

Previous Editions

If you've missed an earlier edition, our Draught Copy Library contains all editions dating back to 2009.

Articles and Advertising

The editor is always willing to accept articles for potential publication, or why not use Draught Copy to advertise your business to pub goers throughout our distribution area?

Advertising is accepted for potential publication at the following rates per individual issue :-

Full page £100

Half page £60

Quarter page £35

For all article and advertising enquiries, please email either


